Monday, January 03, 2005

Need to identify problem before solution will even make sense

History will prove, as do increasing budget blowouts and the horrific externalitiues of cynism and despair inside the PS , that those who continue to dream themselves to sleep over the politically correct ( "business knows best")are destroying genuine opportunities for efficient forms of good governance and ecooikonomic growth by our children.

The left has lost touch

The left's commitment to reactionary politics doesn't make sense. There is a lot of good in our culture- the challenge is to find it amongst the barrage of cynical reactionary stuff that has been so much part of the 60's generation idea of news since then . After all its broadly "the West"that anticipates, plans and prevents.

There would have been a lot less casualties from this tsunami if it happened in the Pacific. How much more effectively would western governments work if they asked the simple question " how much money would we have for professional services if we didn't keep changing the sructures in which they operate?( a clear outcome of allowing reactionaries to dominate in the public service)